The playground is set

A preliminary check point list is ready. 65 checkpoints from Landsort in the south to Söderarm in the north (150 km apart) constitutes the playground of the 2018 Stockholm Archipelago Raid.

The checkpoints will be distributed to the teams in Excel and GPX-format in advance. A water proof paper chart will also be handed out to all teams to plot the Check Points using a waterproof pen. The paper chart will be used for planning purpose to find the best ways through the groups of islands, while the GPS with plotter will be most useful to dodge the underwater rocks along the way.

The basecamp at Sandhamn is situated in the middle of the archipelago making it possible to go to the north one day and to the south another. The sailors are not likely to pass the same patch of water more than once during the 4 days of racing.

Each morning at the briefing the sailors will get the list of check points to be used that day during the 2 or 3 legs. A typical first leg can look like this:

  • Start outside basecamp
  • East of CP25
  • South of CP 15 (within 50 m)
  • Round CP 10 from south to north
  • Finish CP 9 Fredlarna

At CP 15 the RC boat will show a white board telling the sailors if they shall proceed to CP 10 Svenska Högarna or if they shall go directly to CP 9 Fredlarna for safety reasons. It could also be that the first ten or fifteen boats can go around CP 10, while the second part of the fleet shall proceed directly to CP 9 (2 points deducted and a boat that goes the shorter distance can never beat a boat going the full distance). At CP 9 there will be a short rest and food break and restart about 30 minutes after the last boat finished the previous leg.

The second leg take the sailors up to Söderarm in the North (CP43) before a second break at Rödlöga (CP7). The third and final leg of the day takes the sailors through the narrow straights of Stora Nassa (CP18) and Björkskär (CP19) before finish in the harbour of Sandhamn (CP26).

The aim will be to use check points that give the sailors different options to round the islands and also to have both upwind, downwind and long reaches during the races. Some of the check points are situated in the middle of a group of rocks and islands in order to force all sailors to pass these magic places in the archipelago.

The mother of success and safety

They say that Preparation is the mother of success. For the Stockholm Archipelago Raid sailors that is clearly the case. Sometimes the difference between 5 points on a leg, or even finishing the leg, is only about making the right preparations and bringing the right equipment on board, planning the navigation in advance etc.

But preparations is also about security and making sure that you prepare for the worst. Most accidents is about boats flipping over in strong winds or hitting a rock trying to make a time saving short-cut some where. That happens even to the top teams and in almost every case the team can help itself and continue the race right away or the next leg.

Sailor with severe knee injury being airlifted by Rescue Helicopter during the F18 Raid Worlds 2017.

However, occasionally there are injuries or accidents when the teams need assistance. A number of security boats can be called upon, but it requires the right equipment onboard and on all sailors, like a charged mobile phone, a VHF and a flare. It has happened more than once that sailors try to call the Safety Organisation only to find their phone is out of battery because they used it for navigation and the VHF is dead since it wasn’t as water proof as it should have been.

Make sure to come well prepared and don’t take safety precautions lightly.  With all gear in order you can enjoy the sailing and just have fun in a safe way in the wilderness of the remote parts of the Stockholm Archipelago.

See updated Notice of Race and Safety equipment check list for all details.

Partnership with ODC and Zhik

One Design Center, the leading sports equipment supplier for dingies and catamarans in Sweden, will be official partner of equipment for the Stockholm Archipelago Raid. Together with Zhik, the global sailing clothes brand, they will also supply the official clothing and some great rebates for the sailors. See all detailed Offerings to Stockholm Archipelago Raid sailors 2018 here.







Sailors will enjoy a great rebate on more or less everything required for the raid, from flares, Garmin GPS-armwrist-holder and clothing to ropes and spare parts for most cats, in particular the Goodall Design. And the best of all – it will be delivered to sailors at KSSS on the 21st – 22nd of August, just before start.






See all detailed Offerings to Stockholm Archipelago Raid sailors 2018 here.

World class F18 raid sailors from 12 countries

3 months from start of the Stockholm Archipelago Raid (SAR) 30 teams from 12 nations have signed up. It is definately the toughest fleet for many years, if not since the start. Some of the top teams to watch out for:

  • Leff Dahl / Roger Bodén (SWE) winners from SAR 2017 and reigning F18 Raid World Champions
  • Patrick Demesmaeker (BEL), current European Champion and winner of St Barth Cata Cup 2015
  • Pierre Yves Moreau / Benoit Lequin (FRA), transatlantic record holders in a 20 foot sport catamaran and with maxi trimaran Banque Poplulaire
  • Rasmus Rosengren (SWE), winner of SAR 2016 and helmsman of the Artemis AC youth
  • Archei Massey (GBR) and Mike McKensie (AUS) World Champion skiff sailors
  • Fredrik Karlsson / Niklas Nordblom (SWE), three times Nordic F18 champions and raid experts
  • Lucy Nissen / Jai Tooley (AUS), foiling Nacra and F18 experts

At the same time there are many club sailors from all over the world who just come to experience the adventure, the amazing archipelago and to have fun. For the first time ever we have teams from both France, Italy, Belgium, Australia, Germany, Austria, England, The Netherlands, the USA and the Nordic Countries.
All are equally welcome!

Sailors who are not yet registered can still do so and will be placed on the waiting list. There is still a good chance to get a place. Registered teams who have not yet paid the sign-up fee are advised to do so as soon as possible to confirm their participation.

Charter boats in partnership with Goodall design

Stockholm Archipelago Raid is very happy to announce a partnership with Goodall Design, the world leading F18 designer and manufacturer.

Goodall design will deliver two lightly used C2 F18 boats for rent at Stockholm Archipelago Raid for the very competitive price of 2000 Euro. The platforms are from 2016 and in very good condition and the rigs are brand new this year. The boats come fully equipped , ready to sail shiped from the European factory in Belgium. Laurent Verbeeck will not only deliver the boats to KSSS in Saltsjöbaden and back to Holland, he will also help setting up the boats and assist the C2 sailors before and after the race to make sure all is working perfectly.

Chartering has never been easier, and the boats are top boats that can win the race. This is a one in a life time opportunity for sailors who want to join the Stockholm Archipelago Raid, but can’t bring their own boat.

Interested teams shall contact Laurent Verbeeck latest Thursday the 1st of June. After that any remaining boat will be rented on a first come first serve basis.

Laurent Verbeeck
Mobile: +32 474 040 935

If more than 2 teams want to charter a boat they will be chosen at the discretion of the organizing committe together with Goodall design. Please describe in the application your experience from sailing in general and F18 in particular. Previous experience from sailing C2 or Capricorn is also a merit.

Already 28 teams from 11 countries

With 111 days until the start of the Stockholm Archipelago Raid 28 teams from 11 countries have already signed up. And for the first time in many years both French and Italian teams will join the raid. Other teams come from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, the USA and of course Sweden.

It looks like the fleet will be bigger, stronger and more international than any previous raid since the days of the original ”Archipelago Raid” during the years 2001 and 2009. Some of the teams still lack a team mate or a boat, so it is possible that there are more than two places remaining until the race will be full. But to be on the safe side, book your place before end of May,

Inspirational throw back to the raid 2016 (even if it is the promo film for the Raid Worlds in 2017)

22 teams from 10 countries signed up the first two weeks

Since registrations opened two weeks ago 22 teams from 10 countries have signed up for the Stockholm Archipelago Raid 2018. The sailors come from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Norway, the USA and of course Sweden.

The Stockholm Archipelago Raid (SAR) continues to attract both pro sailors and adventurous F18 club sailors. Archei Massey (GBR) and Mike McKensie (AUS) are very experienced skiff sailors and World Champions and come to the SAR for the first time. So are the young Australian team with Lucy Nissen (1999) and Jai Tooley (2000) who sail foiling Nacra and F18.

Three French teams registered so far. Pierre Yves Moreau and Benoit Lequin holds transatlantic record in a sport catamaran and have both sailed the “old Archipelago Raid”.
Off-shore sailor Louis Luc has sailed Transat Jacques Vabre many times but will be sailing the SAR for the first time.
Paul Marette and Julien Thys are experienced sailors who sails different kind of boats and have sailed the Martinique Cata Raid together with good results.

Among the Swedish teams is the reigning Raid World champion, the winner of the SAR 2017 Leff Dahl, as well as the winner of SAR 2016, Rasmus Rosengren. Rasmus was the helmsman of Artemis Youth Racing in the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup 2017. Other Swedes to look out for are the three times Nordic F18 champions Fredrik Karlsson / Niklas Nordblom who are always in the top squad of the raid. Maybe this year it is their turn to win!

For sure 2018 will be just as competitive as any year before. 8 places are still open out of the maximum 30 and two weeks remains with the Early Bird Fee.

8 nationalities signed up on the first day

In the first day since registration opened seven nationalities already signed up for the 2018 edition of the Stockholm Archipelago Raid along with Swedish teams from all parts of Sweden. Many teams are coming back year after year, and every year new sailors also sign up for the adventure.

For the first time in some years there will be French teams on the starting line. Pierre Yves Moreau and Benoit Lequin sailed the “old Archipelago Raid” and are now back. Off-shore sailor Louis Luc is coming for the first time.

The youngest team so far is the Australian team with Lucy Nissen (1999) and Jai Tooley (2000) who use to sail foiling Nacra as well as F18 with good results and high ambitions. Hopefully they will be joined by other Youth teams.

Other teams come from the UK, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland and the USA. Clearly this edition will be both as competitive as last year’s and at the same time with lot’s of interesting people who share the love for the sport, nature and adventure. The Stockholm Archipelago Raid.

Picture: Leff Dahl and Roger Bodén nose diving on a windy day of the raid 2016.

Invitation to the Stockholm Archipelago Raid 2018

The preliminary Notice of Race for the 2018 edition of the Stockholm Archipelago Raid is ready. It will be 4 days of intense sailing among the 36 000 rocks and islands that are the Stockholm Archipelago. The base camp will be on Lökhomen, Sandhamn which is located in the middle of the archipelago with 35 Nm to Söderarm in the North and 45 Nm to Landsort in the South.

Each morning at breakfast there will be a briefing where sailors will get information about Check Points, depending on wind and sea conditions. After a full day of sailing a cold beer in the sauna is a nice warm up before dinner buffet in prepared by our chef in the charming old boat house.

Teams will sleep in cabins on the beautiful island that is just next to sailing hub of Sandhamn. Every hour until 2 AM there is a boat going back and forth for those who wants to hang out with other sailors or take a look at the charming village inhabited all year round.

30 teams will be accepted and registration opens on the 1st of April, first come, first serve.


The event is a non-profit event organised by the Swedish F18-organisation. The entrance fee covers the race, security boats and staff, accomodation, food etc. during the 4 days of sailing. To get more information about the race, logistics or help to plan your visit to Stockholm, don’t hesitate to Contact the Swedish F18 association.

Preliminary programme

The raid takes place from the 22nd to the 25th of August 2019. The start and finish line will be outside KSSS in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm.

  • Wednesday 21st of August:
    15.00 until finished: Registration, measurement and safety inspection
    19.00 Welcome and briefing
  • Thursday 22nd of August
    Start 10.00, 2 legs planned
  • Friday 23rd of August
    2 or 3 legs planned
  • Saturday 24th of August
    2 or 3 legs planned
  • Sunday 25th of August
    Start 9.00 AM, 2 legs
    ~ 16.00 finish in Saltsjöbaden
    ~ 18.00 Price giving ceremony

The sailors will sail from the inner, trough the middle, to the outer parts of the archipelago and back. Usually we sail two legs per day, but sometimes there could be three legs in which case there will be an early start.

The first base camp will be at Lökholmen, Sandhamn. Sandhamn is the sailing metropolis of Stockholm. At the base camp Lökholmen there is a great sauna, good food and party in our own house “Varvet”.

The second basecamp be at Fejan in the very north of the archipelago. The restaurant burned to the ground in 2015 and that was the last time the raid visited this very classical raid base camp. It has been rebuilt and will host us. Fejan has a old hospital which is turnédatum inte a hostel, a sauna and a jetty where the boats will be in the water at night since there is not enough space on land.

Day three the fleet go back south towards Sandhamn allowing for some interesting route choices including rounding the lighthouse Söderarm, the last outpost towards Ålands Archipelago. The base camp this night will be Lökholmen.

The fourth day will be going south to a lunch stop before  the final sprint towards the finish line in Saltsjöbaden.

Nature, sports and adventure