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Karlsson/Nordblom did it again!

After three days of downwind Dahl and Fischer (SWE) had a small lead before Karlsson Nordblom (SWE), Paschalidis Pirinoli (GRE) and Demesmaeker Thery (BEL). The fourth day offered mainly upwind followed by a long reach to the finish line in Saltsjöbaden. Demesmaeker / Thery looked like they where going to win the last leg, but where overtaken in the last minutes by both Paschalidis Pirinoli and Karlsson Nordblom securing 2nd and 1st positions. In doing so Karlsson Nordblom is also the first team who wins the raid 2 times and Nordblom the first sailor to win the raid 3 times. For a full list of winners, see the F18 hall of fame.

In the mixed class the Danish team Jensen Wyon managed not only to avoid all rocks but also to sail fast and win the mixed class in their first attempt at the raid, well done!

Karlsson / Nordblom, winners of the 2019 edition before Paschalidis / Pirinoli on 2nd and Dahl/Fischer on 3rd.
Jensen / Wyon wins the mixed class
The Pontus Johansson perpetual trophy “the broken dagger” in Niklas’ good hands for a year until next Stockholm Archipelago Raid.

After 3 windy days and one softer, but many hours on the water, there was a happy and tired crowd that started to pack their boats on the trailers for a long drive back home. We hope to see you all back next year!

The race is on

In the end 27 teams from 13 countries made it to this edition of the Stockholm Archipelago Raid. Yesterday the Club KSSS was a vibrant mix of people from all over the world rigging, tuning, test sailing and packning their gear for 4 days of intense sailing. The World Silver champion Dany Paschalidis and Marc Pirriloni where the last team to take the sails down last night.

Start today at 10 outside Saltsjöbaden. The legs today will bring the fleet south, round the island of Ornö, and then North towards the first base camp at Sandhamn where they are expected around 5 PM.

To finish first you first have to get to the finish

The Check Points in the Stockholm Archipelago Raid is what the Control Points are in an Orienteering race. They can be buoys, light houses, rocks, skerries, kerns or even a beach. You have to round them on the right side and then try to find the smartest way to the next one. But between the Check Points there are many dangers; some very visible islands to round and some rocks lurking beneath the water to dodge. The saying “To finish first you first have to get to the finish” has never been more true.

The playground is set. 65 Check Points are spread out over a vast area, about 40 NM from East to West and 50 NM from North to South, but not all of them will be used.
Each day in the morning the sailors will get the course for the day. The course is set by the Race Office as late as possible depending on the weather forecast. During lunch break there can be changes to the course. And, if the weather changes quickly compared to forecast, the course can also be altered at a checkpoint during the race for security reasons.

The Check Points have been given to the sailors in advance so they can down load them into their navigation device. They will also have a sea chart for oversight and planning purpose. There is never one way to get around the course, and many legs has been won, not by the fastest team but by the team that took the best way. It is one reason why different Swedish teams (never the same) has won for the last 5 consecutive years. They have the advantage of knowing the archipelago better. Maybe this year it won’t be enough…

30 teams from 14 countries make their final preparations

As 3 weeks remain until start of the Stockholm Archipelago Raid the teams are getting ready. A maximum of 30 teams are allowed and this year sailors come from 14 countries all over the world to experience the adventure in the Stockholm Archipelago.

The teams:

There has never been as many nationalities represented in the raid as this year, both some of the best F18-sailors in the world, professional off-shore sailors as well as strong Club sailors. All of them looking forward to the adventure and the stunning nature. If their goal is to get on the podium or just getting to the finish line without hitting a rock, the challenge is just as big. And since there are 10th of thousands of rocks, skerries and Islands in the Stockholm Archipelago it is sometimes easier said than done.

It is also one of the most competitive fleet of F18 sailors that has ever sailed the raid since the start of the former extreme Archipelago Raid in 2001. All winners since the first raid can be found in the F18 Hall of Fame

Some of the teams:

  • Iordanis “Dany” Paschalidis (GRE), F18 World Champion 2018 and Silver Medalist 2019 sailing with Marc Pirriloni (FRA), former Tornado World champion and Olympic sailor. 
  • Patrick Demesmaeker (BEL), European F18 champion and winner of St Barth Cata Cup and Vincent Thery (BEL), Archipelago Raid veteran
  • Pierre Yves Moreau / Benoit Lequin (FRA), Maxi trimaran and sport cat transatlantic record holders and Archipelago Raid veterans
  • Fredrik Karlsson / Niklas Nordblom (SWE), winners of the Stockholm Archipelago Raid 2018
  • Leff Dahl (SWE) F18 Raid World Champion 2017


The raid is a mix of sport, nature and adventure in the perfect F18-playground; the Stockholm Archipelago. It is the largest archipelago in Europe with 36.000 rocks, skerries and islands and the most difficult one for navigation.

Each day the fleet will sail between 50 and 100 NM depending on the winds. The competitors are free to choose their route between checkpoints. Each team gets a sea chart of the area and coordinates for the checkpoints. But having a good GPS with plotter attached to the arm or chest is vital. Other gear includes the safety equipment required, like VHF, knives and flares as well as power bars and a Camelbak with water to be able to eat and drink while sailing. Dry suit is recommended since the water in the outer Archipelago can be a bit nippy.

World class sailors set for the Stockholm Archipelago Raid

30 teams from 13 countries will participate in Stockholm Archipelago Raid 2019. The level of the competition has never been higher. So far tricky navigation among the 36000 islands and rocks has played to the advantage of the Swedish teams. But maybe this time the Swedish six years winning streak will come to an end…

Six days after registration started 30 teams had already registered. This year the level of competition will be extremely high. In fact, it could be the most competitive fleet of F18 sailors that has ever sailed the raid since the start of the former extreme Archipelago Raid in 2001. All winners since the first raid can be found in the F18 Hall of Fame.

Among the registered teams to date:

  • Iordanis “Dany” Paschalidis (GRE), F18 World Champion 2018 sailing with Marc Pirriloni (FRA), former Tornado World champion and Olympic sailor.
  • Patrick Demesmaeker (BEL), European F18 champion and winner of St Barth Cata Cup and Vincent Thery (BEL), Archipelago Raid veteran
  • Pierre Yves Moreau / Benoit Lequin (FRA), Maxi trimaran and sport cat transatlantic record holders and Archipelago Raid veterans
  • Last year’s raid winners Fredrik Karlsson / Niklas Nordblom (SWE)
  • Leff Dahl (SWE) F18 Raid World Champion 2017
  • Ole-Petter Pollen / Knut Frostad (NOR) former Olympic sailors
  • Michael Walther (GER), 3 times German Champion, Extreme Sailing Series and participant of Archipelago Raid in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009
  • Jan Jensen and Penny Wyon (DEN), best mixed team in St Barth Cata cup and first team ever to participate in the raid in Sweden!
  • Eric-Stéphane Georges (MAR) / Cantin Roger (FRA) F18 / Flying Phantom sailors
  • Anssi Muikku (FIN) Finnish Champion 2017 and Petri Forsman (FIN)
  • All Swedish top 5 teams from the last three years
For logistical and security reasons the maximum number of teams is 30.
Six teams are on the waiting list so far.

The concept

The raid is a mix of sport, nature and adventure in the perfect F18-playground; the stunning Stockholm Archipelago. It is the largest archipelago in Europe with 36.000 rocks, skerries and islands and the most difficult one for navigation. Each day the fleet will sail between 50 and 100 NM depending on the winds. It is tight, intensive racing in the daytime and good food and nice company in the evenings. The competitors are free to choose their route between checkpoints. Each team gets a sea chart of the area and coordinates for the checkpoints. It is strongly recommended to have a GPS with plotter attached to wrist or on the chest.

Stockholm Archipelago Raid 2017 – Raid World Championship

Limited number of charter boats available 2019

Goodall design has a limited number of boats for charter also this year. In 2018 two teams rented top nodge C2s with DS for the raid. It is a great opportunity for teams from overseas or far away who want to take part in the adventure without bringing their own boats. Check out the Goodall offer and enquire for more information here.

Follow the event on Facebook.

The World Champion among the first 13 registered teams

On the first day since registration opened 13 teams from 9 countries signed-up! There is a limit of 30 teams who can enter the event for security and logistical reasons. One of the first teams to register was the reigning F18 World Champion Iordanis “Dany” Paschalidis from Greece.

Among the registered teams there are also sailors from Germany, France, Marocko, Great Britain, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden . The Stockholm Archipelago Raid is recognized far outside Sweden and continues to attract sailors from all over the world, both top athletes and experienced club sailors who come for the fun, the sport and the adventure.


Navigation is tricky and local knowledge is an advantage. The Swedish have a 6-year winning streak, but with different teams on the top podium every time. If someone can stop a Swedish team from the first position it could be Dany Paschalidis. The former Olympic Tornado sailor and F18 World champion has sailed “the Raid” before, but not won yet. This time he is extra motivated and will for sure be hard to beat on boat speed.  As Dany says in the film from 2011: “This race is an experience for a life time… I suggest to every cat sailor to come and sail this race!”

Dany, welcome back 2019 for a new experience!

Creds: Petter Karlberg.

Registration for 2019 edition open


Registration for the Stockholm Archipelago Raid 2019 is now open. For security and logistical reasons maximum 30 teams may participate. Register now to secure your space and pay latest by the 30th of april to benefit from the early bird fee. All information and sign-up form can be found here.

The Stockholm Archipelago Raid 2019 is the 10th raid organised by the Swedish F18 association since Atlant Ocean racing stopped organising the extreme Archipelago Raid in 2009.

See the Hall of Fame with all the winners since 2001.

Charter boats 2019


Winter is still cold here in Sweden and many people go ice skating on the same waters as we use to sail, but the days are getting longer. Two months from now F18 training starts and in six months the next edition of the Stockholm Archipelago Raid takes place.

On the 1st of March registration opens for the 2019 Stockholm Archipelago Raid. There is a limit of maximum 30 teams for logistical and security reasons.

Limited number of charter boats available 2019.

Goodall design has a limited number of boats for charter also this year. In 2018 two teams rented top nodge C2s with DS for the raid.
Patrick Demesmaeker and Vincent Thery (BEL) came in 2nd and Lucy Nissen 18 years and Jai Tooley 17 years (AUS) came 5th in their first raid ever. This is a great opportunity for teams from overseas or far away who want to take part in the adventure. Check out the Goodall offer and enquire for more information here.

Sailors who wish to participate as crew or helmsman but but do not have a race buddy can enter contact information here . The Event Organisation will try to pair you up with any other sailors who might lack a team buddy but have a boat.

Preliminary programme

The raid takes place from the 22nd to the 25th of August 2018. The start and finish line will be outside KSSS in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm. The sailors will sail from the inner, trough the middle, to the outer parts of the archipelago and back. Usually we sail two legs per day, but sometimes there could be three legs in which case there will be an early start.

The first base camp will be at Lökholmen, Sandhamn. Sandhamn is the sailing metropolis of Stockholm. At the base camp Lökholmen there is a great sauna, good food and party in our own house “Varvet”.

The second base camp will likely be at Fejan in the very north of the archipelago. The restaurant burned to the ground in 2015 and that was the last time the raid visited this very classical raid base camp. Fejan has a charming hostel, sauna and a jetty where the boats will be parked since there is not enough space on land.

On day 3 the fleet go back south towards Sandhamn allowing for some interesting route choices including rounding the lighthouse Söderarm, the last outpost towards Ålands Archipelago on the Finnish side. The base camp this night will be Lökholmen.

The 4th day the fleet will be going south before it is time for the final sprint towards the finish line in Saltsjöbaden.

All winners since the first raid in 2001 can be found in the F18 Hall of Fame.

Santa is coming – save the date


This is how happy Santa was after the raid 2018. Santas real name is Sandra and the photographers name is Malcolm Hanes.

As the days get shorter and colder and Christmas is approaching you may think of other things than Formula 18 raid racing. Well, we’re not. Planning for the 2019 edition is well under way and it’s going to be special. Because seriously, what can possibly be better than a gennaker run on one hull through a narrow straight with one eye on the GPS, one on the tell tales and one in the water in front of you in case you have to dodge a rock…

Going through stora Nassa 2018. Creds to Hartas Productions

Some base camps are set, some are not, so the dates are still a little flexible, but it’s going to be 4 or 5 days of sailing between the 22-26th of August. The concept will be similar to the last couple of years: work hard, play hard and then chill out with a good sauna before drinks, dinner and the sack. Repeat.

Until then save the date and sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned. And when the longing gets too bad, let yourself be carried away to the Stockholm archipelago the summer of 2016.

F18 raid Worlds 2017 promo – high res from Stockholm Archipelago Raid on Vimeo.

And the winners are…

…all teams of the raid who pushed themselves to the limit, leg after leg, mile after mile through all the islands, rocks and open sea in quite tough wind conditions. And all teams who battled with the teams around them and sometimes gained a point or two and sometimes lost. And all teams who took part in the adventure and made it to the remote islands and skerries where seals and seabirds live. And also all the people of the Race Organisation who made the race so successful, the food so tasty, the sauna hot and the beer cold and the whole experience so nice.

All teams were winners, but some teams were more winners than the other teams. Three teams stood out from the crowd this year:

Overall winner Fredrik Karlsson and Niklas Nordblom (SWE) who beat Patrick Demesmaeker and Vincent Thery (BEL) literally on the finish line with only 1 point.

Winners overall 2018: 1st Fredrik Karlsson / Niklas Nordblom SWE; 2nd Patrick Demesmaeker / Vincent Thery BEL; 3rd Leff Dahl / Ida Svensson SWE

Winners in the mixed class Leff Dahl and Ida Svensson (SWE) who where overall on third place, only a capsize or two from the overall win.

Mixed class: 1st: Leff Dahl / Ida Svensson SWE; 2nd: Lucy Nissen / Jai Tooley AUS; 3rd: Jakob Thun / Linda Holtsjö SWE

Winners of the youth class Lucy Nissen (18) and Jai Tooley (17) (AUS) who where 5th overall. Considering that they are a very light team in heavy conditions, that they normally don’t sail together, that they haven’t had to navigate to dodge rocks before and that they sailed a C2 for the first time this achievement was outstanding!

Youth class: 1st: Lucy Nissen (18) / Jai Tooley (17) AUS 2nd: Max Rehman Linder (18) / Nicke Forhaug (17) SWE

All other winners can be found in the Final Results and below. Big congratulations to all of you. Hope to see you back next year!
