A more extreme adventure with paddling, sleeping in tents and possibly crossing to Åland for the first time since 2009.
In 2001 Atlant ocean racing launced the original ”Archipelago Raid”, an extreme race with F18 Catamarans in the Stockholm and Åland Archipelagos. “The first edition was very windy, so we couldn’t sail to Åland that year”, Franck Cammas told us when he was in Stockholm earlier this year to receive the Mange Olsson award. Cammas was the first winner together with Steve Ravussin. Most years however the race did go to Åland and it was a very extreme race were teams some times sailed all night just to get to the finish in time for the next start. The Archipelago Raid by Atlant Ocean Racing was organised for the last time in 2009.
Since 2010 the raid is organised by Swedish F18 association and it has been sailed every year since 2001 making this edition the 25th. It also makes it the only international sailing competition in the world that has been sailed every year for 25 consecutive years thanks to Swedens less restrictive travel policy during the pandemic in 2020/2021. See the F18 hall of fame for all winners.
The “Stockholm Archipealgo Raid extreme” 2025 will be ran in the spirit of the original raid and for the first time since 2009 intention is to cross the Åland Sea. The course will be up to 50% longer each day compared with last years, but unlike the original, the intention is to get all teams back on shore in time to have a proper dinner together each day and maybe even a sauna some times. Therefore, like the original, the starts can be as early as 4.30 in the morning.

Key highlights of the Stockholm Archipelago Raid “extreme”:
- Sailing is extended to 5 days and the race is moved to the end of June when the sun rises at 3:30 and the nights are very short to enable longer distances each day. It is also a time of year that improves the chances to cross the Åland Sea.
- The start is in Saltsjöbaden/Stockholm and the first base camp will be at Fejan or Lidö in the northern parts of the archipelago. If the winds are too strong to cross the Åland sea the RO will utilise the entire Stockholm archipelago to the maximum to create a fantastic course among its 36000 islands.
- Base Camps will be decided as late as one day before to allow for maximum flexibility. Finish on day 5 however will be in Sandhamn.
- Paddling with one paddle will be allowed, but only between Check Points pre-defined by the Race Organisation.
- Sailors will sleep in sleeping bags in their own tents that will be carried by the race organization between the base camps.
- A proper meal will be served every evening and a breakfast bag to go and lunch packs will be distributed each morning.
- All personal gear is carried on board the F18’s in the hull or on the trampoline.

2 alternative race areas
Both alternatives start with a race from Saltsjöbaden to Base Camp 1 at Fejan or Lidö. Latest in the evening that day the Race Committee will decide whether to go for alternative A or B depending on the wind conditions.
Race area A
- Day 2 start with a crossing to Åland. Base Camps in Åland day 2 and 3 to be decided the day before. Possible sites are Kökar, Lappo, Sandösund, Mariehamn etc.
- Day 4 crossing to Sweden late afternoon. Base Camp at Fejan or Lidö.
- Day 5 finish at Sandhamn were thousands of sailors are gathered for the start of Gotland Off Shore Race.
Race area B (too windy to cross Åland Sea)
- Day 2 sail south in the Stockholm Archipelago.
- Base Camps day 2, 3 amd 4 to be decided the day before. Possible sites are Rånö, Nässlingen, Gålö, Björkvik, Stora Sand, Husarö, Svartsö etc.
- Day 5 finish at Sandhamn were thousands of sailors are gathered for the start of Gotland Off Shore Race.
Race area A and B are the more or less the same in the northern parts of the Stockholm Archipelago, but race area B cover larger areas in the inner parts.

Dates and registration
Registration, safety control and breifing will take place on Sunday the 22nd of June 2025 in Saltsjöbaden. 5 days of racing from the 23rd and finish in Sandhamn on the 27th of June. Sailors will back in Saltsjöbaden about noon on Saturday the 28th. The F18 World Championship in the Netherlands starts one week later, giving time to rest and logistics for teams who plan to do both.
For more details about the concept, time schedule check out here.
The places are limited to 25 teams for safety and logistical reasons and sign up will start on Sunday the 1st of February 2025.