Tag Archives: Stockholm Archipelago

Return of the jedis

One of the teams who has signed up for 2024 is the winner of  one of the first editions of the original Archipelago Raid back in 2003. Back then Atlant Ocean Racing had just created the concept and ran the extreme raid to Åland and back for the third time. Anders Lewander, one of the most well known sailors in Sweden, participated 6 times before 2010 which probably makes him the person who participated more than anyone else in the original version. The last three times he sailed with Hanse Thorslund, another well known Swedish sailor.

It is with great pleasure we welcome this legendary team back to the raid. I asked them about their previous experience and why they are coming back, 15 years after the last time.

1) How many times did you participate in the old ”Archipelago Raid” and when was the last time?
Anders: I did the raid 6 times, in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2009
Hanse: I participated  3 times, in 2005, 2006 and 2009

2) what is the strongest memory you have from that?
Hanse: Shortcut sailing into Kökar in Finland on very shallow and rocky waters. 😅
Anders; The final leg 2003 from Ornö to Gustavsberg with a hard hard workout before winning the 2003 edition with Calle Hennix. And YES Hanse, all the crazy Åland experiences!

3) What do look forward to in your participation this year?
Hanse; The raid atmosphere, hanging on the wire and fun racing in our beutiful Stockholm archipelago.
Anders; Living the dream – a deep bowing to the unique Archipelago experience- the enormous friendship and the “offroad” play tool, the F18 going wild!

Well, what can we say more than a huge welcome back. May the force be with you!

/Lars Linder

Photo cred from the 2006 edition to Thierry Martinez



Spring is in the air

Not everyone in this long country would agree spring is here yet. 1000 km north of Stockholm the skiing is great and will be for many weeks to come. But in Stockholm the ice on the sea is almost gone and local F18 sailors starts to get their boats in order for the season. And all around the world people start to see the spring light in the pandemic tunnel and dare to dream and make plans for social events, adventures and travels to come. Like the the Stockholm Archipelago Raid on the 19th to the 22nd of August. This year it will be the 21st consequtive raid since the start in 2001.

Demesmaeker / Thery on the 8th and last leg at the SAR 2020.

The race will go north this year. The base for the event will be KSSS at Saltsjöbaden. The base camps are still to be confirmed, but likely to be Nässlingen day 1, Fejan day 2 and Sandhamn/Lökholmen day 3 and finish in Saltsjöbaden day 4.
Race course area for the raid 2021

The race area 2021 is about 50 nautical miles long and 40 nautical miles wide and covers 3000 square kilometres of mainly wilderness just outside the capital of Stockholm. Sailors have a good chance to see eagles, seals and other wild life if they just take time to look around while racing.

SAR race area 2021

Registration will start on the 1st of May and as usual there is a cap of 30 teams for safety and logistical reasons. Hope to see you in Stockholm this summer!