ONB 2021

Day 4: 2021-08-22

Final results after 8 races

Protest 2:
Present: Leff Dahl and Niklas Bredberg, helmsman and crew on SWE77.
Ian Elliot, Race Officer and Bertil Grandinson, Judge both present on the starting vessel at the start, Bo Samuelsson, Judge

SWE77 has asked for redress due to RC’s decision to disqualify her for not having started correctly in Race 7.

Fact: SWE77 was on the course side of the starting line at the starting signal. She returens to the starting line but passed it only to 60%.

Decision: The disqualification is revoked and replaced by a point punishment with 4 points reduction of her result in race 7.

Leg 1 start 9.00

Start CP2 South East of
CP25 to starboard (Svängen)
CP56 to starboard (Kalken)
CP36 to starboard (green mark south of Grönö)
Finish west of Tallholmen (near Björnö beach)

Leg 2
Start close to beach
Yellow mark west of Tjustviksholmen (Baggen) to port
Finish close to CP1 (KSSS)

Day 3: 2021-08-21

Results after 3 days

Leg 1 Start 9.30
Start CP66 (Fejan)
CP47 to port (red bouy)
CP11 to starboard (green mark near Hundskärsknuv, Rödlöga)
Finish Hästgrundet south of Husarö

Leg 2
Start Hästgrundet
CP14 to starboard (red mark east of Morsken)
CP17 to starboard (St Bonden)
CP16 close by (Nassa)
CP19 to starboard close by (Björskär)
Finish close to CP2 (Lökholmen)

Day 2: 2021-08-20

Results after 4 races

Leg 1 start 9.30

Start CP44 (Nässlingen)
CP45 leave to port close by, through the channel (Ängskär)
Finish  CP7 east of (Rödlöga)


Start CP7 East of (Rödlöga)
CP4 to starboard (Tommeskobben)
CP3 to port (Stormulan)
CP43 to port (Söderarm)
Finish at CP66 cross line from south to north (Fejan)

Day 1: 2021-08-19

Standing after day 1

Protest 1: SWE 78 has protested FIN 36 for sailing on the wrong Side of WP 52 in race 2.

Decision: FIN 36 get a point punishment with 3 points reduction of her result in race 2.

Bertil Grandinson
Chairman of the jury


Leg 1 Start 10.00
Start CP1
CP39 leave to starboard (Klacknäset)
CP50 to port (Tordmulen)
Finish  CP26 (Sandhamn) enter from West


Start outside Sandhamn
CP19 to port close by (Björkskär)
CP52 to starboard close by (green mark at Finnhamn)
Finish at CP44 (Nässlingen)

Official documents

  1. Notice of Race 1.0 (updated 2021-05-01)
  2. Sailing Instruction 1.0 (updated 2021-08-18)
  3. Safety equipment check list  (updated 2021-08-13) – fill out and bring to safety inspection
  4. Start declaration form (updated 2021-08-13) – sign and bring to registration

Check Points 2021 (updated 2021-08-12)

  1. Checkpoints incl description in Excel
  2. Checkpoint list in GPX-format for upload into GPS

Nature, sports and adventure